- obligation-[ob-li-gey-shun] noun. a binding promise, contract, sense of duty, etc. (It was Alexander Hamilton's obligation as Treasurer.)
- charter-[chahr-ter] noun. a document issued by a sovereign or state, outlining the conditions under which a corporation, colony, city, or other corporate body is organized, and defining its rights and privileges. (A charter was drafted and signed to enable the First Bank of America.)
- bullion-[bool-yuh n] noun. A bar or ingot of silver or gold, usually measured in mass rather than value. (People could bring their silver or gold bullions into the US Mint and have it turned into coins.)
- screw press-[screw-press] noun. a machine that was used to make coins in the early days of the US Mint. (The man watched as the iron screw screeched into the upper die.)
- upper die-[up-er-die] noun. a part of the screw press. (above)
- planchets-[plan-chets] noun. a sheet of metal that is used to make coins by pressing it with a screw press. (He inserted the planchet underneath the machinery and withdrew his hands quickly.)
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